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Online Psychotherapy

Background information and options for online psychotherapy
Conveniently from home!


Online psychotherapy

Online psychotherapy means that psychotherapy is carried out online, or digitally (online refers to something online, i.e. live on the internet). Studies have long proven the effectiveness of online psychotherapy.

There are different forms of online psychotherapy and different areas of application. We would like to introduce you to an online psychotherapy that treats specific fears (fear of dying, fear of criticism, fear of rejection, etc.). An app has been specially developed for this purpose so that digital psychotherapy can also be carried out alone(!). This frees you from appointments, opening hours, travel, etc., and you can carry out the treatment from the comfort of your own home.

Which method is used?

The standard method used by therapists is the confrontation method. Here, the person affected is confronted directly with the fear. This is obviously exactly what people are so afraid of and it is therefore easy to see why this method is the least popular. Nobody wants to do it because they want to avoid the fear and don’t want to be directly exposed to it. Fortunately, there are other methods that work. For example, in the app already mentioned, the Anxiety Dissolve app. This app does not treat anxiety with confrontation. It reduces the stress of anxiety in a different way. Much more gently and comfortably.

Further advantages of the app

The app resolves fears thoroughly in one session. This means that once the session is complete, there is no need for repetitions or similar. As long as everything has been done thoroughly, the fear is then permanently resolved, which means that you are no longer bothered or burdened by this fear.

Furthermore, the Fear Dissolve app not only dissolves the burden of the fear, but also the associated negative cognition (nK). This is also important, as the dysfunctional cognition is usually just as highly charged as the anxiety load. The app also does this thoroughly by including all the other necessary processes:

Resolving anxiety (stress)

Search for/determine negative cognition

Dissolve negative cognition (on the cognitive level)

Dissolve negative cognition (stress)

Determine positive cognition

Use (anchor) positive cognition

Yes, resolving thoroughly will take a little longer than simply stopping at some point. But it is better to do it thoroughly and therefore more sustainably, especially because in the process of doing it you don’t even know how strongly the fear is still charged. This means that you could otherwise stop, even if the fear is still largely inside you. Then the effects and also the stress of the anxiety will come back. The app resolves the stress thoroughly until the end and then also thoroughly resolves the necessary steps. An anxiety is then thoroughly and completely resolved. It will then not return.

Online psychotherapy

Furthermore, the app stays in the here and now all the time and does not require you to travel to the past! In addition to fears, you can also work through all other specific emotions, such as shame, sadness, feelings, anger, etc. (shame of being me, feelings of rejection, etc.). All cognitions can also be worked through. Also after the complete processes above.

Our digital therapist will guide you through the therapy. It is also easy and convenient to use. You can use the Dissolve Anxiety app for a lifetime and work on any issue in depth.

What can also be helpful is that the app has the largest collection of fears to inspire you to find and resolve other fears. Because the effects are enormously diverse and very complex. It is therefore very worthwhile practicing this. Every fear that you work through will bring you many benefits and also relaxation (release of stress/tension) and therefore peace of mind.

Anxiety test

Do you already suspect you have anxiety? Then you can have yourself tested right here free of charge to see whether the fear is really inside you or not. After all, we are talking about repressed, unconscious fears here. This means that we are normally unaware of them and therefore excluded from the world of experience. We are therefore not aware of the fears unless the effects are too strong or too obvious. To start, click on the small blue circle at the bottom right, which contains the fear test. Enter the specific fear there and you will be tested quickly and effectively for this fear. The anxiety test only tests for repressed, unconscious fears, i.e. fears from the past that are stored in the body. Once you have found what you are looking for, you can use the Fear Dissolve app to start dissolving the fear yourself.

For a sustainable and quick treatment, download the Anxiety Dissolving App from Freeyourbase from the AppStore (link below). For more information about the app, go to “Apps” in the menu at the top and select “Anxiety Dissolving App”.

Get started today! Good luck and good luck.

“At the core of every symptom, stress and illness are feelings and memories, traumatic perceptions buried in our subconscious.” Dr. Darren Weissmann, biologist, author


Question: So specific psychotherapy only with an app?

Yes, this is also sufficient for resolving specific fears. This is not so easy for other problems. With specific emotions, however, the processes of resolution can be implemented digitally and you can also do them easily on your own. They are so simple and self-explanatory that you really don’t need anyone else to do them. Which is also a great advantage, as you can do it from the comfort of your own home, choose your own pace, take breaks when you like and are not tied to appointments, opening hours etc. [/etpbtext

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Angst Auflösen

Effektive Angstbehandlung in der App!


Wirksame Inhalte und Techniken zur Behandlung von Ängsten.


Löst gründlich jede Angst, samt der dazugehörigen negativen Kognition/Glaubenssatz auf!


Keine direkte Konfrontation (Exposition) mit der Angst!


Behandelt auch einzelne Kognitionen und alle anderen Emotionen wie Scham, Trauer, Hass, Wut, etc.

Kaufen Sie jetzt die Angst Auflösen App für nur 19,99 Euro!

Erhältlich im Apple™ App-Store oder im Google™ Playstore.

Angst Auflösen

Für weitere Informationen über die App  lesen Sie hier. 

fear dissolve
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„Angst besiegt mehr Menschen als irgendetwas anderes auf der Welt.“
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), US-amerikanischer Philosoph und Autor

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