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Fear of success
Here you will find background information and an extremely effective approach to thoroughly dissolving the fear of success.
Treating causes instead of symptoms!
Fear of success Definition
Fear of success can relate to both professional and personal success. It is often just a vague feeling. Fear of success can also be described as methatesiophobia, because every success is accompanied by a change. If we successfully achieve a goal, we have crossed a certain threshold on the way there and have thus moved from the previous state to a new state. However, we cannot estimate in advance exactly how we will feel when we have crossed this threshold to success. It is uncertain what the consequences of success will be. And the unknown triggers fear in us. What is meant by success varies from person to person.
Fear of success symptoms
This fear of change, which is brought about by success, can trigger unconscious mechanisms of self-sabotage. There are many strategies for sabotaging oneself in order to prevent oneself from taking the decisive steps towards success and thus maintain the status quo. In this way, we protect ourselves from switching to an unknown state that does not yet fit in with our current self-image. So to speak: if you stay where you are, you are on the safe side.
It is typical of the fear of success that there are known concrete steps to bring about success, but the fear prevents the person concerned from implementing these steps. Many different fears play a role here. For example, worrying about how those around them will react or even losing their support. This can be the case with a career advancement where colleagues are no longer my equals.
The diffuse fear in the face of impending success and the associated change is accompanied by a subliminal unease or inner restlessness. It is triggered by thoughts about the future that are characterized by negative assumptions and self-doubt. Fear of success is always associated with self-doubt. If you are familiar with associating a future success, i.e. a positive event, with unspecific thoughts of disaster rather than the actual satisfaction of achieving a goal, then you may be suffering from fear of success. It triggers brooding and leads to avoidance behavior or self-sabotage, which means that you prevent yourself from successfully achieving the goal.
Thoughts turn to what comes after success. Will it be difficult to withstand the pressure created by external expectations, your own demands, new tasks, unfamiliar territory, increasing responsibility and the eyes that are now on you? Success is also preceded by a decision. And this goes hand in hand with the obligation to invest time and leisure in the new path.
Moreover, the higher you go, the lower you can fall. So with every success comes the threat of failure. In their fearful reaction, those who are afraid of success are quick to see mistakes as failures rather than as challenges and opportunities. But nothing ventured, nothing gained. So it’s worth it – if only to get to know yourself better. This also includes having the courage to show yourself to others and not always being able to hide your own shortcomings.
There is also a basic human need behind the fear of success, namely social connection. Being successful can actually jeopardize relationships, e.g. if friends are unable to help you succeed. However, the negative consequences of this fear are generally overestimated.
And it’s not just the fear that people might turn away from you or that you might face a headwind from your social environment that plays a role, but a whole range of fears that can jeopardize your success. In addition to the fear of being judged by others (“he/she thinks he/she is better”), there is the fear of conflict and obstacles of all kinds, the fear of making mistakes and having to ask others for advice, the fear of revealing one’s own weaknesses, the fear of the future and the unknown.
The doubt as to whether you really deserve success or whether someone else might not do it better leads to all kinds of unconscious strategies to delay success. Perhaps you are familiar with the situation where you have to finish something but keep getting bogged down, are too perfectionist to achieve a final result, are dissatisfied as a result and believe you will never be able to complete the work successfully. Perhaps you don’t even start and keep yourself from doing other, objectively even sensible and important things such as cleaning or tidying up. Escaping into other tasks doesn’t even create a guilty conscience in contrast to wasting time watching series. Behind all these behaviors is the assumption that success is very difficult to achieve, if at all. Sometimes it only takes one simple step to achieve success. But we can’t really imagine achieving our goal so easily. So we squirm around the task out of fear of success. The self-fulfilling prophecy is perfect, because success actually appears to be an ever greater challenge.
The fear of success often arises when we are about to take a step that we have never taken before. For example, when we ask for a pay rise for the first time or have never told our best friend our opinion on topic X before. We then overestimate hurdles and see negative side effects as much bigger than they actually are, accompanied by the feeling that we are not yet ready.
In addition to the symptoms of procrastination, i.e. getting distracted or putting other things off, it can also happen that you prevent yourself from successfully achieving your goal because you tend to be overly reactionary, perfectionist, dogged or pushy. The other extreme is lethargy, which can lead to depression. It becomes almost impossible to work constructively towards success if the inner anxiety conflict leads to symptoms that only allow passive activities such as watching television. Because if the fear of success becomes stronger and stronger and is nevertheless ignored, the conflict is resolved on a physical level. In order to escape the unpleasant situation, restlessness, tiredness, hunger or lack of concentration arise when tackling the task.
It is therefore important to be able to deal with change and to strengthen not only your flexibility, but above all your self-confidence. This also increases confidence in the future self to be able to deal with the unknown.
Fear of success causes
Fear of success can arise when the achievement of success does not match the image you have developed of yourself growing up and there are secret negative assumptions about success. For example, that you actually judge yourself and unconsciously reject success because you have to prove something to yourself through success. Repressed conflicts between two opposing poles such as independence and security can trigger anxiety. It is often about patterns that we inherited from our parents as children.
Fear of success treatment
Overcome fear of success
Regardless of how exactly it came about that you have a fear of success within you. For the reasons mentioned above, it is better if you treat it. In the meantime, any fear can be resolved and it’s really just a matter of getting started and doing something about it.
When you dissolve this fear, you will realize that it is ultimately only the fear that has blocked everything. When the blockages are no longer there, the corresponding experience can be experienced again.
Fear of success test
You will find the fear test in the round, blue circle at the bottom right of the screen. If you click on it, it will open and you can start immediately. Free of charge, without advertising and without registration!
You start by entering “fear of success” in the fear test. This will check whether you actually have this fear inside you. If you have found it there, the fear of failure can be resolved with our Fear Dissolve app. You can find the link under the test. The app works without confrontation(!) and without traveling into the past! So you don’t need to be afraid of the treatment itself and can therefore do it all by yourself.
Once you have successfully resolved the fear of success, check yourself for the following fears and resolve them if necessary. This is because so-called fear complexes often lie behind larger problems.
Fear of change
Fear of conflict
Fear of making mistakes
Get started. There is something very liberating and calming about dissolving fears.
Fear Therapy
Effective fear treatment in an app!
Effective content and techniques for treating fears/anxiety.
Thoroughly dissolve any fear, including the associated negative cognition/belief!
No direct confrontation (exposure) with the fear!
Also deals with individual cognitions and all other emotions such as shame, sadness, hate, anger, etc.
Buy the "Fear Therapy" app now for just 19.99 Euros!
Available in the Appleâ„¢ App Store or in the Googleâ„¢ Playstore.
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... please do not hesitate to contact us. Whether it's a question of understanding, product details or questions about treatment.
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and to go as far as you would never have dreamed possible.“
Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), French painter, co-founder of Synthetism and pioneer of Expressionism