Fear of life
Here you will find background information and an extremely effective approach for the thorough resolution of fear of life.
Treating causes instead of symptoms!
Fear of life definition
All of us experience anxiety or fear in certain life situations. For some people, however, their anxiety becomes a problem that affects their ability to cope with everyday life or even enjoy their lives. Fear of life is not uncommon. Those affected constantly worry about the future and succumb to negative thoughts.
Fear of life symptoms
Many patients easily become anxious and think too much, even about small problems. This often goes on for several days, they become increasingly listless and feel depressed, and physical symptoms such as trembling or high blood pressure can occur at the same time. Small things are often enough, such as a family member being late or complaining of pain, to trigger the anxiety. Those affected then quickly become agitated and imagine the worst things. They tell themselves that something has happened and then find it difficult to calm down again. Some don’t answer the phone at all for fear of bad news and avoidance behavior sets in. The fear of an accident in which they themselves or close relatives are involved is so great that they no longer drive themselves or even refuse to get into another person’s car. Waiting for the results of a medical examination can also lead to excessive anxiety. Those affected are often even aware that their reactions are exaggerated. An example of this is the fear of a heart attack in a young and healthy person. Although the possibility of such an event exists, it is extremely low.
People who are afraid of life are worried about the future. They feel at the mercy of their fate and depression often accompanies the illness. There is scientific disagreement as to whether fear of life triggers depression or whether the depression causes the anxiety disorder. After all, those who are afraid of life live with constant worry. This chronic anxiety understandably leads to depression, which can eventually turn into severe depression.
Anxiety about life is a disorder characterized by chronic, uncontrollable worries and anxious expectations, which often manifest themselves in the form of chains of thoughts and can relate to different events or activities.
Anxiety becomes a constant companion in life and consequences seem unavoidable. Those affected find themselves in (often important) situations in which they do not know how to react because they are paralyzed by anxiety. In other moments, too much attention is paid to the fear. Their thoughts only revolve around their own fear and what bad things might happen. Beautiful and special moments are no longer noticed and things that used to bring joy are no longer done.
Fear of life leads to an impairment of the ability to live, as the fears cannot be controlled or pushed aside. As the person focuses their full attention on the sources of their anxiety, they are often no longer able to fulfill social or professional obligations. Anxiety is usually focused on specific life circumstances, such as unnecessary worries about one’s finances or the health of a loved one. The way in which anxiety manifests itself – the specific symptoms – varies greatly between individuals. Physical symptoms include muscle tension, easy fatigue, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, irritability and sleep disorders. The psychological symptoms include a distorted perception of the environment and oneself. It becomes particularly critical when the sufferer becomes so absorbed in their own anxiety that a fear of death develops.
People who are afraid of life often find it more difficult to accept that there is no “general safety”. They react very sensitively to stimuli that arise in (in their opinion) potentially dangerous situations. Events and moments that can be both harmless and threatening tend to be judged as bad.
Many of those affected assume that they can protect themselves and their loved ones from accidents simply by worrying. This is based on the idea that if they worry prophylactically, they will not be surprised if something bad actually happens.
Many of those affected also suffer from the “fear of fear”. To overcome this, it is therefore important to allow the fear and learn to deal with the feelings that arise.
Fear of life can be attributed to various causes. In some cases, the fear is triggered by a tragic event. Events of this kind can be the loss of a loved one or the news of a serious illness. In many cases, anxiety arises in childhood, as this is when basic trust develops. If basic trust cannot develop in the first place or is destroyed in childhood, this can in turn have an impact on how anxiety is dealt with in adulthood. For example, if the parents have a rather negative view of life and convey this to their child, the child internalizes the corresponding behaviours. A lack of affection and recognition also favors a later fear of life. A child who does not believe in their own abilities and does not have a healthy sense of self-esteem will have difficulties implementing these as an adult.
Fear of life treatment
Overcoming fear of life
But whatever the reason for your fear of life, knowing about it alone will not help you. Fears can be thoroughly resolved, you just have to actively do something about it.
Fear of life test
But how do you know if you really have this fear inside you? You can find the fear test in a round, blue circle at the bottom right of the screen. By clicking on it, the test will open immediately and you can start right away. It’s free, ad-free and requires no registration! Start by typing “the fear of life” into the fear test. It will check whether you actually have this fear inside you. If you identify this fear, you can treat it thoroughly using our Fear Dissolve app. You will find the link below. The app works without confrontation or traveling into the past! So you don’t have to be afraid of the treatment itself and can easily do it on your own.
If you have further problems in this direction after the treatment, also try: “living the fear”.
Good luck!

Fear Therapy
Effective fear treatment in an app!
Effective content and techniques for treating fears/anxiety.
Thoroughly dissolve any fear, including the associated negative cognition/belief!
No direct confrontation (exposure) with the fear!
Also deals with individual cognitions and all other emotions such as shame, sadness, hate, anger, etc.
Buy the "Fear Therapy" app now for just 19.99 Euros!
Available in the Apple™ App Store or in the Google™ Playstore.

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and to go as far as you would never have dreamed possible.“
Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), French painter, co-founder of Synthetism and pioneer of Expressionism