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Stage fright
Here you will find background information and an extremely effective approach to resolving stage fright.
Treating causes instead of symptoms!

Stage fright introduction
In addition to background information, you will not only find a free stage fright test here, but also a concrete approach to dealing with stage fright.
Stage fright definition: In the moments before we take center stage, be it on a stage in front of an expectant audience, in an important business meeting or even at the mere thought of the job interview, our insides often run through an exciting interplay of emotions. This mixture of nervousness, palpitations and a certain anxious insecurity is commonly referred to as‘stage fright‘. A phenomenon that almost all of us have encountered in one way or another. But what is actually behind this feeling/condition? In this article, we will take a closer look at the concept of stage fright, explore its causes and learn some proven strategies to deal with this challenging companion. It can be alleviated through practice, preparation and proven strategies or it can be dealt with in more depth.
Usually, a phenomenon like stage fright is an effect of one or more pathogenic fears.
What are pathogenic fears: There are two different fears that are distinguished in psychology. The normal, healthy fears that warn of danger in acute situations. These are important, healthy and helpful. The other form of fears are pathogenic fears, also known as fears from the past. These occur without a real threat, they do not warn of danger, but are strong and usually long-term (chronic).
However, it is possible that there are other causes, usually to be found with less severe stage fright. To really check this, we have included a free stage fright test below, which tests you for various fears that are responsible for stage fright. You will then have certainty and can determine the exact cause. Once you have specified the fear, you can treat it thoroughly. Because the end result here should be that you really heal yourself from stage fright in depth.
It is important to note that stage fright can affect almost anyone to some degree. How stage fright is experienced and what effects it has can vary from person to person.
Effects of stage fright
Stage fright can trigger a range of physical reactions, including palpitations, sweating, trembling, dry mouth, nausea and even breathing difficulties. These symptoms often occur in response to the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline.
Perception can also change: Under stage fright, your perception of your surroundings can change. Time seems to pass more slowly or more quickly, and the ability to think clearly may be impaired.
Mental restlessness: Stage fright can cause thoughts to go round in circles or focus on negative scenarios. Self-doubt and fear of failure can weaken self-confidence and reduce trust in one’s own abilities.
Communication challenges: Individuals who suffer from severe stage fright may have difficulty expressing themselves clearly or getting their message across effectively. The nervousness could lead to a blackout where you temporarily forget the words.
Altered behavior: Some people react to stage fright by withdrawing and avoiding social situations. Others may become overly perfectionistic or compensate for their anxiety by laughing or moving around excessively.
Impairment of performance: Stage fright can affect performance. Even if someone performs excellently in less exciting environments, the presence of an audience or judging criteria can cause performance to drop.
Psychological distress: Repeated stage fright can lead to long-term stress, anxiety disorders or a general aversion to situations that trigger it. This could lead to avoidance of potentially positive opportunities.
Stage fright, specific fears
Causes of stage fright
Identifying the individual causes can help to develop effective coping strategies.
Weaker stage fright can have the following causes:
Lack of self-confidence: Low self-confidence or self-esteem can cause people to fear that they are not worth anything or that they cannot handle the situation.
Perfectionism: Striving for perfection in your own performance can lead to stage fright, as the fear of not being good enough or making mistakes can be very stressful.
High expectations: If high expectations are placed on your own performance, either by others or by yourself, the pressure to live up to these expectations can lead to stage fright.
Lack of preparation: Inadequate preparation for a presentation, event or task can lead to uncertainty and increase stage fright.
Negative experiences: Previous negative experiences in which someone may not have performed well or felt uncomfortable can lead to a reinforcement of stage fright in similar situations.
Social expectations: Social expectations and norms about how one should behave in certain situations can lead to fears of not living up to expectations.
Stage fright, specific fears
Below you will find various fears that can be responsible for stronger or weaker stage fright. It can also be caused by just one strong, charged fear or by several fears. And that is exactly what we want to find out.
Free stage fright test
We have installed the stage fright test here. This is made up of the following different fears that can cause stage fright and an fear test. You can find the test by clicking on the blue circle at the bottom right of the screen. There you can quickly and effectively test yourself for specific fears (e.g. fear of rejection, fear of dying). Take the first fear from the list and type it into the fear test. You will then be tested for it. If nothing is present, take the next fear and test yourself on it. Do this until you have found a fear in yourself with the test. If you have found it, congratulations, you have found a causative fear. You are now a big step closer to successfully treating stage fright .
Once you have identified the anxiety, you should treat it. There are many different methods of treating anxiety. You can do this comfortably with the “Dissolve anxiety” app, because it does not(!) confront the anxiety. So there is no need to be afraid of the treatment. Another unique selling point of the app is that it treats (dissolves) thoroughly. This may take a little longer, but you can be sure that the anxiety will not bother you again. Furthermore, there is no journey into the past, the app stays in the here and now and after one session the treatment is also complete, without further repetitions or similar. For more information about the app, read below or look in the menu above under “Apps” and then “Dissolve Anxiety”.
You now have all the knowledge you need to cure stage fright. Get started, because getting yourself to do something is usually the bigger problem. The treatment itself is not difficult or problematic at all.
Illness is not a question of guilt. No one would be ashamed to see a doctor about knee pain.
Good luck and good luck!
Here are some fears that can cause stage fright:
Fear of rejection: The concern that the audience will not respond positively to the presentation or performance and will react negatively.
Fearof failure: The fear of making mistakes, forgetting the text or not being able to carry out the presentation smoothly.
Shame of failure: Shame of embarrassing yourself in front of the audience, experiencing unpleasant situations or having unexpected problems and then not being able to solve them // Note: You can treat shame in the same way as fear, in the test and in the “Resolving fear” app
Fear of criticism: The fear of being criticized or judged by others and the uncertainty about how the presentation will be received.
Fear of blackout: the fear of losing the thread during the presentation, forgetting the words or not getting any further.
Fear of attention: The fear of being the center of attention and being watched by many people.
Fearof losing control: The fear of not being able to keep your emotions under control and appearing nervous or insecure.
Fear of negative judgment: The fear that the audience or certain people in the audience might judge you negatively.
Fear of unexpected situations: The worry of not being able to respond appropriately to unforeseen situations or questions.
and to go as far as you would never have dreamed possible.“
Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), French painter, co-founder of Synthetism and pioneer of Expressionism

Fear Therapy
Effective fear treatment in an app!
Effective content and techniques for treating fears/anxiety.
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Available in the Appleâ„¢ App Store or in the Googleâ„¢ Playstore.

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... please do not hesitate to contact us. Whether it's a question of understanding, product details or questions about treatment.
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