Effective psychotherapy for everyone!
Dissolve fears, uncover potential!
We also help people to uncover their true potential. Because we believe that there is much more in people than they experience in everyday life.
“The only adventure worth living for modern man can only be found within.”
C.G. Jung (Swiss psychiatrist and the founder of analytical psychology)
The Fear Dissolve app thoroughly dissolves repressed fears with their negative cognitions. Without confrontation (exposition) with the fear!
Our products
Health apps
In addition to the Fear Dissolve app, we also offer the Fear Test. Both apps are available for Android and iOS.
Effective, personally(!)-tailored, in-depth therapies for specific, psychological problems.
Online Anwendungen
For faster application, we offer them an online anxiety test as a WebApp.
„Solange du Dir das Unbewusste nicht bewusst machst,
wird es Dein Leben bestimmen und du wirst es Schicksal nennen.“