Are you plagued by fear/anxiety?
Are you blocked in certain areas?
Do you suffer from restlessness or tension?
FREEYOURBASE offers you the first
digital therapist to help you treat your fears!

Fear Therapy
The app for treating fears, beliefs
and all other emotions like shame, anger, hate, etc.
No confrontation (exposure) with the fear!
Thoroughly treatment!
Just one intensive session!
No later repetitions, reworking or similar.

Effective content and techniques for dissolving fear/anxiety.
Any anxiety can be treated regardless of its age, strength, content.
Also treats all other (suppressed/unconscious) emotions such as shame, hate, anger, etc.
The app thoroughly dissolves specific emotions (e.g.: fear of dying, shame of being me, feeling of rejection).
Also treats beliefs
Beliefs (cognition, convictions) can also be treated thoroughly.
Two key advantages of the app
Two unique selling points worldwide!

No confrontation with fear!
All methods of our “Treat Anxiety” App have the advantage that they do not confront you with the fear to be dissolved. The exposure (confrontation) is superfluous, the tension/stress is directly relieved. You do not come into a confronting situation. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of the treatment anymore, and you can do it alone in a relaxed way!
Triple thorough
1. In all methods of the “Treat Anxiety”, one is always aware of whether the tension/stress of the fear is completely dissolved or not yet. This gives the possibility that the fear can be thoroughly dissolved!
2. All methods of the app are thorough in the sense that not only the specific fear, anger, sadness, shame etc. is dissolved, but also the negative belief behind it. That there is cognition behind (repressed) emotions went back to the discovery of Dan Casriel (psychiatrist, analyst and founder of bonding psychotherapy) in the 1970s. EMDR also works with these associated negative beliefs. After the fear is thoroughly resolved, we of course finally “anchor” a positive belief.
3. All methods treat beliefs thoroughly. Regardless of whether a stand-alone belief is treated or whether it is about a belief that lies (co-suppressed) behind a fear, for a thorough treatment not only the restructuring of the thoughts must take place, but also the tension/stress of the belief must be treated!
May we introduce you:
Your digital, psychological therapist.
Anna guides you interactively with voice output through the entire session!
As the app thoroughly treats (dissolves) emotions and cognitions, this opens up countless application possibilities in every area of life.
...are simple
Applicable by anyone, even the first time, even alone, and even without any prior knowledge.
...are old and proven
Based on a decades-old method that has proven itself millions of times.
...are fast
Based on a decades-old method that has proven itself millions of times.
...stay in the here and now
Get by without a trip down memory lane, analysis, or rehashing of personal history!
.....stay in the here and now
Get by without a trip down memory lane, analysis, or rehashing of personal history!
Technical advantages

Conveniently controllable
Operating aids and
Voice output
For cell phones...
…and tablets with Apple iOS™
and Google Android™.
Easy to understand,
easy to use.
Using the world's largest fear collection to inspire more to dissolve.
No data collection!
No advertising
Background knowledge...
About fears, repressions
and beliefs.
Lifetime license.
The app is available for a lifetime, without further additional costs. Any topic can be worked on in depth with it.

What do I get?
You gain access to an app for Android or iOS. The app includes a digital therapist to guide you through a session and help you dissolve your cognition or fear.
Question: My anxiety won’t go away, even though I talk about it.
Answer: Yes, fears or anxieties won’t dissolve just because you talk about them, analyze them, or because you know how they work etc. Knowledge alone will not help. You have to do something constructive if you want your anxiety to dissolve. The first necessary step is to recognize that.
Question: My anxiety makes me feel like I’m a prisoner in my own home.
Answer: You need to dissolve your anxieties, as they restrict you in many ways.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.” C.G. Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
Question: Can all fears be dissolved?
Answer: ALL fears can be dissolved, not only the irrational ones like phobias, but also those concerning a real experience from the past. It is just a matter of time until they dissolve.
Question: I have been fighting my fears for a long time, but they are getting worse.
Answer: Fears or anxieties are not there to harm us or to do anything bad. Your psyche is not evil. It’s the opposite; it wants to help you. Fighting, running away, numbing, avoiding fears and anxieties are the worst you can do. This way, they will become even bigger. Fears and anxieties are simply perception objects, which means they dissolve if we feel and allow them. However, we tend to put them in a big sack and turn away from them. The more we do this, the more stubborn they become. They have really destructive and subversive results, so the psyche wants you to heal them.
This avoiding behavior stems from our childhood, when our fears or anxieties were too big, and we were too small. Now it has changed. We have become bigger, and we can handle them. Surprisingly, dissolving doesn’t hurt us, it is not harming us, and it is easy. But with our conditioned behavior, we don’t even address them, we just run away.
Being aware of your fears/anxieties, accepting them, and allowing them is key in this game. Change from inner avoidance to inner-acceptance, then they will dissolve. That’s what we do here, without confrontation.
Question: I feel blocked in many things, like I am trapped inside.
Yes, fears limit us in many ways. Blockages come from repressed fears. For example, a strongly repressed fear of closeness creates a strong bloackade on closeness, which also excludes experiences with closeness, more or less. A dissolved fear therefore also brings freedom and peace, because thoroughly treated (dissolved) the corresponding blockade also falls away!
Why should I dissolve fears/anxieties?
Fears / anxieties deeply bind, constrict and influence. The control is massive, but mostly unconsciously. They cause deep restlessness and draw us from the here and now. Fears become also firmly established in the deepest muscle layers as W. Reich (Doctor of Medicine and Psychoanalyst) has already proved. Dissolving them is so liberating and unleashing and is beneficial to our health, energy and well-being.

“The highest happiness of man is liberation from fear.”
Walther Rathenau, (1867 - 1922), Politician, writer, industrialist 1922