Fears >

Separation anxiety

Here you will find background information and an extremely effective approach for the thorough resolution of separation anxiety.
Treating causes instead of symptoms!

Separation anxiety

> Definition

> Effects

> Causes

> Treatment


Separation anxiety

> Definition

> Effects

> Causes

> Treatment

Separation anxiety definition

Separation anxiety refers to the fear of separation from loved ones or from home. It therefore relates to people or objects that are particularly important to the person affected. Separation anxiety can affect both children and adults. In children, this anxiety is part of normal development. According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, newborns always want to be close to their parents to ensure their survival. Over time, this desire gradually recedes. In some cases, however, these infantile fears can persist into adulthood and become chronic. However, an emotional disorder of this kind can also develop in adulthood. Studies have shown that people who are prone to depression and brooding are also more likely to develop an attachment disorder.

What is attachment and what attachment disorders can occur in childhood?

The bond between mother and child is usually referred to as emotional attachment. The
primary attachment figure (primary object) of the infant does not necessarily have to be the mother. The so-called attachment behavior ensures the survival and development of the infant. The baby’s main attachment figure is its “safe emotional haven”. Around 60 to 65% of children develop secure attachment behavior and learn to overcome their separation anxiety. However, there are also children who develop an insecure-avoidant attachment to their caregivers and children who develop an insecure-ambivalent or disorganized attachment disorder. An attachment disorder that can be traced back to early childhood often manifests itself in adult life as pronounced separation anxiety.


Separation anxiety symptoms

Young children start to cry when a trusted caregiver leaves the room. This is a completely normal reaction that ensures survival. In the course of childhood, the child usually learns to deal with these separations appropriately. However, severe separation anxiety that persists into adulthood has the character of a disorder. This separation anxiety disorder has numerous negative effects on the person’s well-being. Those affected have an excessive fear of being abandoned by partners, family members or friends. The disorder is perceived as particularly stressful and restricts patients in many areas of life.

Those affected often live alone, as their relationships have frequently failed. Separation anxiety is also often accompanied by pronounced fears, worries and panic attacks. These feelings of anxiety literally overwhelm those affected and subsequently lead to sleep disorders. Even if the person is only separated from their loved one for a short time, they perceive this as a reduction in their quality of life. This fear of separation is often expressed in irrational suspicions, clinging and excessive controlling behavior – which is why many romantic relationships fail. Separation anxiety disorder can therefore paradoxically lead to the greatest fear of those affected: Being alone. Adults with separation anxiety often find it difficult to separate from their parents and shy away from starting their own lives. Patients with a pronounced fear of separation are often diagnosed with other mental disorders such as anxiety and personality disorders, bipolar and obsessive-compulsive disorders, depression and addictions.
Another consequence of this disorder that should not be underestimated is the need to remain in relationships that are harmful to the person affected. The person often puts their own needs on the back burner and takes part in activities in which they have no real interest. People with severe separation anxiety have an obsessive need to do everything together with their partner or friend. People with these anxieties are firmly convinced that they are unlovable or unable to cope with everyday life without their partner. People with pronounced fears of loss often interpret even harmless situations such as being a few minutes late for a date as the end of a relationship or possible divorce. Those affected always demand reassurance, closeness and affection. If they do not receive this or if the partner even expresses an intention to break up, this can lead to feelings of guilt and even emotional blackmail with suicide threats.
Like any anxiety disorder, separation anxiety can also be accompanied by physical symptoms. Those affected suffer from palpitations, concentration problems, loss of appetite and pain. Children and adults with loss anxiety are often more susceptible to infections and express aggressive behavior or listlessness. Overcoming separation anxiety is often a major challenge for those affected.

Separation anxiety causes

The first step is, of course, to admit your fears. The problem can then be tackled and the separation anxiety can be worked through.

What are the causes of separation anxiety?
The causes of an emotional disorder are often very complex and can be attributed to several factors. But what causes can lead to a pathological fear of abandonment in the first place? Causes can include the early loss of a close attachment figure, low self-esteem, emotional or material dependence, a lack of awareness of one’s own needs, social isolation or the inability to trust. These causes are interrelated and can be mutually dependent. But no matter what the causes are, even if you were aware of them, they would not disappear. To achieve this, you have to actively do something about it.

Separation anxiety therapy

Overcoming separation

The first step is to admit your fears. The problem can then be tackled and the separation anxiety can be resolved.

Overcoming separation anxiety

Every specific fear can be resolved. Even separation fear. Can you imagine what it’s like not to have separation fear? That’s exactly what we want to achieve with you!

Separation fear test

We offer you a free separation test before the break-up. This allows you to check whether you really have the separation anxiety inside you.

You will find the fear test as a round, blue circle at the bottom right of the screen. Click on it to open the test and you can start immediately. This service is free, ad-free and requires no registration! Start by entering “fear of separation” in the fear test. It will then check whether this fear is actually present in you. As soon as you have found it, you can treat this fear thoroughly with the help of our Fear Therapy app. You will find the corresponding link below. The app works without confrontation and without a journey into the past! So you don’t have to be afraid of the treatment itself and can carry it out completely independently.

If nothing is found with them, try
“fear of separation”
and also
“fear to separate”.

If you find what you are looking for, treat this fear with our Fear Therapy app. You can find the link under the test. 

Once you have resolved the separation fear and you have similar problems with other fears, continue. You can also check yourself for any other fear here in the fear test and then resolve it if necessary.

Question I want to process my separation. Am I in the right place?

That depends on what you mean. Here we resolve the separation fear. If you have separation fear inside you and it is strong, then you will also have major problems processing the separation. Use the test to check whether you have separation fear inside you. If so, resolve it and you will notice that you can process break-ups more “normally”.

Question: I want to get over my separation.

Overcoming actually means coming to terms with the effects. Here, however, we want to resolve the separation fear.

Get started today. There is something very liberating and calming about dissolving fears.


Fear Therapy

Effective fear treatment in an app!


Effective content and techniques for treating fears/anxiety.


Thoroughly dissolve any fear, including the associated negative cognition/belief!


No direct confrontation (exposure) with the fear!


Also deals with individual cognitions and all other emotions such as shame, sadness, hate, anger, etc.

Buy the "Fear Therapy" app now for just 19.99 Euros!

Available in the Apple™ App Store or in the Google™ Playstore.

Angst Auflösen
For more information about the app read here. 
fear dissolve
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„The great challenge of life lies in overcoming the limits within yourself
and to go as far as you would never have dreamed possible.“

Paul Gauguin (1848-1903),  French painter, co-founder of Synthetism and pioneer of Expressionism

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