Overcoming the fear of failure
Here you will find background information and an extremely effective approach to thoroughly resolving the fear of failure.
Treating causes instead of symptoms!
Fear of failure definition
Fear of failure can occur in or before a situation that has special significance for the person concerned. Fear of failure refers to a fear of failure, which also includes the fear of the consequences of failure itself.
The fear of failure always relates to an event that is perceived by the person concerned as a performance situation. The type of performance involved can be very different; from the classic exam situation to a first date. The fear of not performing as expected at the crucial moment is known as fear of failure. However, it is not dependent on objective requirements, but arises from the fact that one’s own expectations of oneself are inflated, e.g. in people who tend to be perfectionists.
In addition to unfamiliar situations, fear of failure can also develop if a person is suddenly unable to perform in a familiar situation.
Fear of failure symptoms
If the fear of failure is very pronounced, anticipation of the situation not only leads to worrying about the possible outcome of the situation or about various eventualities that could occur, but can also result in clear physical symptoms of an anxiety reaction. These physical symptoms of anxiety include a racing heart, sweating and trembling as typical signs of nervousness. In extreme cases, these can lead to a panic attack accompanied by the feeling of being unable to breathe. In addition to less acute signs, physical tension, loss of appetite, sleep disorders and gastrointestinal complaints also occur. The fear of failure is often accompanied by thoughts of escape (escapism) and the desire to leave the situation.
At the moment of the performance test, a strong fear of failure oftenleads to concentration problems or a blackout. In general, anxiety causes thoughts to focus on the object of fear. The body is internally prepared for fight or flight, which practically eliminates emotionality, creativity and calm. If anxiety gets out of hand, it prevents the person from realizing their potential. A little nervousness, on the other hand, can ensure that you can perform at your best.
The more often the fear of failure occurs in a certain situation, the more it is expected.
In order to avoid the fear of failure, situations in which it occurs are avoided. However, this means that the negative experiences cannot be replaced by positive counterexamples. The fear of failing in certain situations therefore remains and acts as a kind of conviction that “I can’t do it, I’m not good enough”.
The fear of failure usually goes hand in hand with the fear or conviction of not being good enough – even if this is not conscious. However, a general fear of failing in certain situations can also lead to the opposite behavior in an attempt to compensate for the fear of not being good enough or the fear of failure. In this case, the person exposes themselves to the situation in question particularly frequently in order to prove to themselves and others that they are not lazy, stupid or unattractive. By satisfying the need for control, the unconscious fears are warded off. Because confronting them would be unpleasant, even though it would be helpful and healing.
Fear of failure causes
What underlies the fear of failure – i.e. the fear of not being able to meet expectations – is the fear of rejection and criticism. Or to put it more precisely: people who suffer from a fear of failure have experienced being reprimanded for their failures. This fear makes making mistakes seem threatening. This is because the disappointment over the mistake would lead to rejection of the person who has failed. It does not matter whether it is rejection from outside and external expectations or one’s own expectations and the belittling of oneself.
The fact that mistakes or unfulfilled expectations are followed by rejection, criticism and sanctions was learned in childhood. Children are born almost free of fear. However, they have a great fear of being disregarded and rejected because their lives are dependent on the care of their parents. As children are fundamentally dependent on the love of their adult caregivers, they try to gain their favor. As an infant, this succeeds effortlessly – no matter what it is, it triggers delight. But as the child develops, things also happen that displease the caregivers. Everything has to be learned before it works successfully. On this path, the child is dependent on encouragement and recognition. Disregard, on the other hand, leads to negative behavior on the part of the child, which appears to be the only way for the child to receive attention and thus recognition.
If the child has a secure bond with parents or other important caregivers and the relationship is characterized by love, affection and support, the child develops a healthy self-confidence in its abilities. However, if the child is regularly confronted with criticism and reproaches, this interferes with the development of positive and stable self-esteem. This is because the child believes without reservation what it hears from those it trusts. In order to learn and to understand themselves and the world, they are dependent on the judgment of their more experienced parents. At first, it is not in a position to form an independent judgment.
If the development of a positive self-image and self-confidence is disturbed in this early phase, this leads, for example, to a fear of failure. They have then learned to only be lovable if they fulfill external expectations and to be pushed away if they do not. They feel inferior, ugly or stupid. What their parents have conveyed to them through recurring remarks, they adopt and internalize as an inner critical voice that is not necessarily questioned even in adult life.
Individual socialization also plays a role. The value system a person develops for themselves is shaped by their entire personal and social environment and culture. What performance is desired and expected is directly related to this social context.
In summary, it can be said that the fear of failure always involves the uncertainty and worry as to whether expectations can be met and, at the same time, the certainty of not being perfect.
Fear of failure treatment
Overcoming the fear of failure
However, just knowing about this fear, talking about it or analyzing it will not make it disappear. But if you actively do something, you can successfully treat this fear. And yes, fears can now be thoroughly resolved. Even the fear of failure.
Fear of failure test
You are welcome to test yourself for this fear in the following test. You can find the fear test in a round, blue circle at the bottom right of the screen. Click on it to open the test and you can start immediately. It’s free, ad-free and requires no registration! Start by typing “the fear of failure” into the anxiety test. It will check whether you actually have this fear. Once you have determined this, you can treat the fear of failure using our Fear Dissolve app. You can find the link below. The app works without confrontation or traveling back in time! So you don’t have to be afraid of the treatment itself and you can do it on your own.
Good luck!

Fear Therapy
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and to go as far as you would never have dreamed possible.“
Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), French painter, co-founder of Synthetism and pioneer of Expressionism