Fear of losing control
Here you will find background information and an extremely effective approach to thoroughly resolving the fear of losing control.
Treating causes instead of symptoms!
Fear of losing control Definition
Fear of losing control manifests itself, for example, in not being able to relax (any more) or only with difficulty because you want to control too much at once. Those affected often want to control situations, whether in the present or the future, that cannot be fully influenced or predicted. This can be expressed in very different areas of life; relationships, work, parenting, body and nutrition and so on.
Basically, things are constantly happening around us that we actually imagined differently or that we didn’t anticipate and that we don’t have to be able to anticipate. Because not everything that happens is relevant to us and our lives. In contrast, the fear of losing control means that we pay far too much attention to individual moments and attach too much importance to them. Always being fully focused and thinking about everything triggers stress. If there are fewer and fewer moments of relaxation in which you simply let go and enjoy or perceive and react without ulterior motives, in which you are carefree instead of actively influencing your behavior, then you may be suffering from a fear of losing control over situations, people, yourself or the future.
Fear of losing control Effects
Although it is clear that absolute control is impossible, some people particularly want to be able to control the feelings, thoughts and behavior of themselves or others. Having everything under control actually feels great. We feel self-efficacious and, what’s more, everything is going our way – perfectly. In these moments, there is no trace of overwhelm, insecurity or frustration. However, imponderables and flaws are also part of life. So if you have maneuvered yourself into a fear of losing control, you may be striving too hard for security and flawlessness. However, negative feelings such as disappointment and situations such as defeat are important for personal development. Excessive fear, which is supposed to categorically protect us from certain situations, therefore makes us inflexible. Fear hinders and restricts our thoughts and therefore our behavior, which has many different consequences. Fear of control controls us. We all know situations in which fear has won out. And it is quite normal not to be able to overcome our fears every time. However, if a certain fear means that we can no longer live our lives or certain aspects of our lives freely and in a self-determined way, something should be done about the fear.
Fear of losing control can manifest itself in very different life situations and at individually different moments. Everyone has different areas in which they feel safe and areas in which they feel rather uncomfortable. For those affected, anxiety manifests itself in situations in which they cannot set the tone or lose the upper hand and feel inferior. The person with anxiety feels powerless if they are not in control or if something does not go as they had imagined. People who are afraid of losing control ruminate a lot and think about “What if…?” and the possibilities of achieving the desired goal. This can also get you quite entangled. It’s not always easy to admit to yourself that obsessive control really does cause damage. For example, if you don’t want to admit to a loss of control that has already occurred, you sometimes turn to alcohol.
Generally speaking, people with a fear of losing control tend to have high expectations or precise ideas about themselves, the world and others. They subconsciously base their self-worth on achieving their goals. Therefore, nothing can be allowed to get in the way, and an unforeseen disruptive factor can trigger stress and panic. Such people, for whom the fear of losing control is already quite pronounced, find it difficult to switch off and relax. The lack of relaxation to compensate for the high demands of professional and private life further lowers the threshold of irritability above which this person becomes irritable and overwhelmed. This makes it even easier for them to feel that situations are getting out of hand, which means that even more energy is expended in an attempt to get a grip on the environment around them. A typical example of an everyday situation in which loss of control due to stress is perceived more strongly and therefore great efforts are made for apparent control is a mother dominating her children. Children embody the uncontrollable very well, because they cannot be controlled. And they are particularly good at bringing their parents – perhaps precisely for this reason – to the point where they fear losing their self-control.
Adults, on the other hand, naturally use more subtle methods to exert power, persuade and influence others and thus control situations. Or they simply control themselves, e.g. their eating behavior with regard to weight. Adults have a much more developed ability to control themselves. This can go so far that their behavior does not correspond to their true convictions. In individual cases, this is also completely normal in everyday life. But people who are generally afraid of getting into situations that they cannot anticipate and control are much more likely to control their own behavior. This keeps them in familiar, manageable territory. This is because they perceive the unpredictable as threatening. Even feelings can be completely suppressed and thoughts repressed as a result. This serves purely as a protective mechanism, because “what if…?”.
Fear of losing control causes
Fear of losing control causes
There is no general answer as to where the fear of losing control comes from. On the one hand, it can be caused by an overload due to too many appointments and simultaneous tasks. The fear of no longer having everything under control is then an important signal from the psyche to cut back.
The idea that we have to have everything under control, coupled with the vague feeling that something bad will happen if we don’t, such as being despised, usually has its roots in the first one or two decades of our lives, when we were significantly influenced by our family environment. As children, we inherited certain assumptions from our parents, who always act as role models. We are usually unaware of these assumptions about ourselves, life, the world and interpersonal relationships. And so they sometimes steer us unhindered in a direction that is not beneficial to us in the long term. This is the case, for example, when thought patterns and beliefs take effect that are not (or no longer) applicable in the here and now – such as the idea that we are not allowed to relinquish control or that we always have to “take care”.
Overcoming the fear of losing control
Overcoming the fear of losing control
But even if no one can know exactly how and when we developed the fear of losing control, it is apparently there. Fortunately, we don’t need to know all this if we want to treat or resolve the fear. Because that is also possible. Not only does the anxiety dissolve, but since the anxiety has been in you all along, with a strong burden on your mind and body, the dissolution is also a correspondingly strong relaxation that brings peace. The avoidance behaviors and blockages also cease. The compulsion to control is a typical avoidance behavior.
Fear of loss of control test
You can find the anxiety test in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, represented by a round, blue circle. Click on it to open the test immediately. It should be noted that this test is free, without advertising and without registration. To get started, please enter “the fear of losing control” in the anxiety test. The test will then check whether you actually have this fear within you. As soon as you have confirmed this, you have the opportunity to overcome or dissolve your fear of losing control with the help of our Fear Dissolve app. You can find the link to the app below. It is worth noting that the app works without confrontation and without looking back at the past. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of the treatment itself, and you can do it all by yourself.
Good luck!

Fear Therapy
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Effective content and techniques for treating fears/anxiety.
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Available in the Apple™ App Store or in the Google™ Playstore.

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and to go as far as you would never have dreamed possible.“
Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), French painter, co-founder of Synthetism and pioneer of Expressionism