Treatments >

Treat repressions

Here you will find an effective approach to treat a repression.

Treating causes instead of symptoms!

Treat repressions

1. What are repression?
2. Effects of repressions
3. Dissolving repressions

1. What are repressions?

Repressions usually occurs in early childhood, between birth and four years of age. At this young age, people are still helpless, open and sensitive and can quickly encounter harsh reality without protection. If an overwhelming situation arises, it can happen that an emotion (fear, anger, shame, etc.) has such a strong effect on them that they can no longer process/integrate it. This poses a major problem for the psyche, as stability can no longer be guaranteed. The function that is then used is repression and has the task of repressing the overwhelming emotion into the subconscious. This saves the situation, as everything calms down again. Furthermore, the emotion is excluded from the affected person’s world of experience in order to prevent any further disturbances. This also explains why there is no (little) further development in this (repressed) topic in the person affected.

2. Effects of repression

In the subconscious, however, the repression now unfolds its destructive effects. The more strongly a repression is charged (also referred to as a burden), the stronger the negative effects. And these can literally hinder life, because they are not only the cause of almost all psychological problems, but also of the character structures that every person has to a greater or lesser extent. Repressions are therefore generally considered pathogenic (disease-causing) and should therefore also be treated.

“Character is defense”, Wilhelm Reich (Austrian-American physician, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, sex researcher and sociologist)

One of the main effects of repressed emotions are the defense mechanisms and they block in the area of concern (fear of closeness → experiences with closeness blocked). There are several different defence mechanisms such as sublimation, projection, rationalization, denial, etc. These are the blockages to a topic that we then feel in everyday life. The blockages have the task of not allowing this repressed emotion to enter our consciousness under any circumstances. If this does happen somehow, the person affected experiences a brief but intense burst of anger and hatred, they are triggered or the repressed emotion is activated.
Blockages, like all effects of repression, always come with compulsion.

Psychological experience and behavior patterns also arise from emotional blockages or defense mechanisms. For example, the fear of loss can be so strong that the defense mechanisms try to control the relationship partner in order to achieve subtle control and power over the partner and the relationship so that he or she does not end the relationship, so that the person affected is not exposed to the fear of loss again.
Another example would be when a strong fear of being alone or the feeling of being alone is suppressed during infancy. This fear can lead to a strong neediness, to dependency and to a lack of independence, to behavior that wants to avoid being alone (defense). This can also lead to destructive clinging to partners.
A strong fear of loss can also easily lead to greed in order to avoid this fear in the long term, or to change the circumstances, to change the character so that it is set up in such a way that it will never again be confronted with this fear of loss. Another example would be a strong repressed fear of not being good enough, which can easily lead to a perfectionist character, also to avoid this fear. Because if you have a perfectionist character, you will not normally encounter the fear of not being good enough. In such ways, the defense mechanisms try to prevent the confrontation with the repressed fear in the long term.

Every strongly charged, repressed fear can shape an entire life through such dynamics and blockages. The following therefore also generally applies to repressed, unconscious parts: what we cannot give ourselves (get) on the inside, we seek and need on the outside.

The repressed blocks and hinders us, our abilities and characteristics, sexuality, love and compassion, relationships and our development, weakens our self-esteem, our quality of life and our well-being.
For people, such dysfunctional effects are something pathological, something harmful; for the subconscious, they are signs and indications that there is still something pathological in us that needs to be healed!

3. Dissolve repressions

Everything that can be repressed can also be resolved. For this we use simple yet effective methods that do not require(!) confrontation(!) with the emotion/fear! So there is no need to be afraid of the treatment!
The second unique selling point of our methods is that we treat (resolve) thoroughly. Firstly, it is thorough in the sense of complete and secondly, the accompanying negative cognition of a repressed emotion is also resolved! This means that you can completely free yourself from this fear and it will not burden you again.
Incidentally, it is irrelevant for the methods how or when the repression arose, how big or how strongly charged it is, every repressed fear/emotion/cognition can be dissolved. It is always just a question of time. The prerequisite is that you can specify the repression to be resolved and that it is really inside you.

Treating repressions – Let’s go

First of all, the methods can only work if you really have the specific repression within you. As described above, it is not easy to know this, because it is excluded from consciousness. However, if the effects are too strong, you may be able to see/feel them yourself, e.g. through the blockages, which can be very noticeable.
If you already suspect a specific emotion (e.g. fear of people, fear of betrayal, feeling of rejection, shame of being me) or cognition/belief, such as “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not worth anything”, “I’m worthless”, you can test yourself to see if this is really concrete in you. You can do this with our free fear test, which you can find on the right-hand side of the bottom screen as a blue circle. This test not only checks for repressed fears, but also for all other repressed, specific emotions (shame of not being good, feelings of humiliation, feelings of rejection, etc.) and cognitions.

Test for repressions

Type in the proportion to be checked and carry out the test. If you find what you are looking for, Graturlation, now the suppression can begin. We have developed a special app for this: “Fear Therapy“.
You will find all the information you need in the app. The app also includes the first digital therapist who resolves fears and the world’s largest collection of fears as an inspiration and reference work for treating multiple fears. The app can be found in the respective app stores, the link to the app can be found below.
If you don’t suspect anything yet, think about which topic (e.g. job/success, relationship (with partner, others, with yourself), own well-being/being, self-worth) is not going well for you. This is because one of the strongest effects of repression is blockages. This means that if you are affected in one area, you are blocked there. For example, if someone has repressed their fear of making decisions, they will always have a problem when making decisions. Decision-making does not run smoothly, it stagnates and blocks, it becomes a tough, long, halting process, it is mental. The repressed fear is blocked on all levels.
Everything repressed pushes back into the conscious mind through daydreams, (nightmare) dreams, the Freudian slip, fantasies, etc. At what moments in your life does it not “flow” properly? All topics and areas can be affected. Think about what fear could be behind your blockages. It is always about the most general formulations, i.e. not fear of having my car stolen, but fear of betrayal. You can also take a look at our world’s largest collection of fears, which you can find in our app. There we have gone into numerous important fears and topics in greater depth.

The app gives you the opportunity to thoroughly dissolve repressions. This also opens up the possibility of systematically dissolving repressions! One after the other! As we discovered during our 8 years of research, working through several repressions has many additional positive effects. Not only does it dissolve the stress, the defense mechanisms and all effects in general, but you also become calmer (repressions are ultimately concentrated tensions, also called stressors), the basic state changes (in small steps) and the body also relaxes from these tensions, which settle into the deep muscle layers. All permanently, of course.
And: if you change the inside, the outside changes too!
So it’s more worthwhile than you can imagine!
So get started and keep going! Thoroughly dissolving a strong repression is like finding and unearthing a great treasure.

We are mainly looking for repressed fears and beliefs that come from childhood. Of course, we would no longer have such fears at this age, but as a small child our world literally looked very different. And these extremely harmful remnants called repressions need to be dissolved.

In addition to the fear, it is also a good idea to check the corresponding cognition. For example, in the case of the fear of being alone, to check the cognition/conviction: “I am alone”. In the case of the fear of being worthless, the cognition: “I am worthless”, etc.

Of course, this all takes time. There are no miracle cures or similar in psychology. Everything here works, but you have to keep at it. Since the treatment is non-confrontational, even the processing is nothing exciting anymore, more like a game of skill, where by the way you also get better/faster the more you do.
Since all the methods in the app are thorough, it’s ultimately about finding the fastest method for you. To this end, we have included 7 methods, with different speeds. For us, the fastest method was 3.

All further instructions and detailed information about the methods can be found in the app.

Good luck and keep going!

You can find more in-depth background information on displacement on this page.


Examples of specific fears:
Fear of being unwanted
Fear of not being welcome
Fear of living
Fear of dying
Fear of being abandoned
Fear of lack
Fear of not getting enough
Fear of being alone
Fear of being used/controlled
Fear of betrayal
Fear of trust
Fear of being controlled
Fear of worthlessness
Fear of imperfection
Fear of rejection
Fear of making mistakes
Fear of rejection
Fear of abandonment
Fear of humiliation
Fear of injustice
Fear of lack
Fear of liveliness
Fear of being hurt
Fear of feeling
Fear of being unwanted
Fear of abandonment
Fear of worthlessness
Fear of being alone
Fear of rejection
Fear of dependence
Fear of submissiveness
Fear of punishment
Fear of humiliation
Fear of rejection
Fear of loneliness

Fear of inadequacy
Fear of failure
Fear of worthlessness
Fear of unpredictability
Fear of helplessness
Fear of powerlessness
Fear of powerlessness
Fear of submissiveness
Fear of betrayal
Fear of punishment
Fear of dying
Fear of death
Fear of life
Fear of making mistakes
Fear of injury
Fear of worthlessness
Fear of showing how I am
Fear of failure
Fear of opening up
Fear of inadequacy
Fear of being myself
Fear of self-abandonment
Fear of confrontation
Fear of confrontation with….
Fear of nothingness
Fear of inability
Fear of showing oneself
Fear of losing
Fear of not being good enough
Fear of rejection
Fear of making mistakes
Fear of closeness

Fear of unwillingness
Fear of revealing oneself
Fear of showing oneself
Fear of humiliation
Fear of closeness
Fear of responsibility
Fear of annihilation
Fear of people
Fear of others
Fear of strangers
Fear of success
Fear of being unsuccessful
Fear of being helpless
Fear of extinction
Fear of being the center of attention
Fear of criticism
Fear of humiliation
Fear of dominance
Fear of being hurt
Fear of love
Fear of emptiness
Fear of communicating
Fear of being overwhelmed
Fear of showing greatness
Fear of aggression
Fear of submissiveness
Fear of making decisions
Fear of feeling
Fear of feelings
Fear of admitting feelings
Fear of recognizing feelings
Fear Therapy

Effective fear treatment in an app!


Effective content and techniques for treating fears/anxiety.


Thoroughly dissolve any fear, including the associated negative cognition/belief!


No direct confrontation (exposure) with the fear!


Also deals with individual cognitions and all other emotions such as shame, sadness, hate, anger, etc.

Buy the "Fear Therapy" app now for just 19.99 Euros!

Available in the Apple™ App Store or in the Google™ Playstore.

Angst Auflösen
For more information about the app read here. 
fear dissolve
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... please do not hesitate to contact us. Whether it's a question of understanding, product details or questions about treatment.

We are happy to help!

“No passion robs the mind of all its power
to act and think than fear.”

Edmund Burke(1729-1797) English statesman and philosopher

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